How to Treat Hirsutism in PCOS Naturally

How to Treat Hirsutism in PCOS: Natural Remedies & Female Hair Growth

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a prevalent health issue affecting many women. A particular concern is hirsutism, an unusual growth of thick and dark hair in regions where women typically don't have noticeable hair. Grasping how to treat hirsutism in PCOS naturally has become essential, especially for those preferring non-medical remedies. This article dives into understanding hirsutism, its causes, and presents various natural and medical solutions to manage it.

Understanding Hirsutism

Meaning of Hirsutism:

Hirsutism signifies excessive, male-pattern hair growth in women, primarily in areas like the face, chest, and back. It's more than an aesthetic concern; it's an indication of underlying hormonal imbalances or health conditions. When understanding what hirsutism is, it's crucial to recognize it as a complex disorder that requires thorough attention.


Symptoms of hirsutism include unusual hair growth on the face, chest, abdomen, back, and thighs. This growth pattern can cause emotional distress, impacting self-esteem. Understanding these symptoms is the first step in seeking appropriate treatment and care, whether that's seeking medical guidance or applying natural remedies.


The main causes of hirsutism include PCOS, increased androgen levels, and certain medications. While some might be due to genetics, others can be treated or managed. Identifying the cause is vital to finding an effective solution, and that's where a combination of medical and natural treatments might be needed.

Idiopathic Hirsutism:

Idiopathic hirsutism is when the excessive hair growth doesn't have an identifiable cause. This scenario can be frustrating but it's not without hope. Close collaboration with healthcare professionals and employing natural treatments may still offer relief.

Natural Treatments for Hirsutism

  • Dietary Changes

Eating a balanced diet rich in nutrients can be a powerful tool in treating hirsutism. Limiting foods that might cause facial hair growth in females and increasing those that have anti-androgen effects can be beneficial. Consultation with a nutritionist specialized in hormonal imbalances could provide tailored advice.

  •  Herbal Supplements

Herbal supplements like spearmint tea, saw palmetto, and green tea have shown promise in treating hirsutism. They might help in balancing hormones naturally. However, it's wise to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure they're suitable for your individual situation.

  • Home Remedies

Natural facial hair removal methods, such as sugar scrubs, turmeric masks, or lemon juice applications, might provide temporary relief. Regular use of these methods, combined with a healthy lifestyle, may show significant improvements over time.

  • Oils for Treatment

Some oils, known as hirsutism oils like lavender and tea tree oil, can be applied to affected areas. Regular use might slow down hair growth, offering a complementary approach to other treatments.

Medical Treatments

  •  Medications

Various medications, including birth control pills or anti-androgens, can be prescribed to manage hirsutism. The right medication depends on the underlying cause, so a thorough evaluation by a healthcare provider is necessary.

  •  Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal targets hair at the root, providing a more permanent solution. It's often considered when other treatments aren't effective. A consultation with a dermatologist can determine if this is the right option.

How to Prevent Hirsutism

  • Lifestyle Changes

Healthy lifestyle practices like regular exercise, stress management, and maintaining a balanced diet may prevent or reduce hirsutism. These habits contribute to overall hormonal balance, reducing the risk of developing or worsening the condition.

  • Monitoring Androgen Levels

Understanding how to lower androgens in females through regular monitoring and natural methods can be a proactive approach to prevention. Working with healthcare providers to regularly monitor these levels can provide valuable insights.


Hirsutism, especially in PCOS, can be a challenging condition to live with. However, understanding the various natural and medical treatments available provides hope and control. Emphasizing natural remedies combined with professional medical advice can guide you towards a more comfortable life.


1. What is the best natural remedy for hirsutism?
A. Herbal Tea Blends containing spearmint and green tea are often used as natural remedies for managing hirsutism.

2. How can I stop facial hair growth due to PCOS naturally?
A. A combination of lifestyle changes and natural herbal supplements may offer support in dealing with PCOS-related facial hair growth.

3. Are there any side effects of natural hirsutism treatment?
A. Natural remedies, like facial hair removal creams with herbal ingredients, are generally well-tolerated, but consultation with a healthcare provider is advisable.

4. How to stop hair growth on face permanently naturally?
A. Permanent solutions might include natural oils with lavender and tea tree, used in combination with medical interventions.

5. Can hirsutism be cured?
A. Management is possible with hormone-balancing supplements, but individual evaluation and treatment are necessary for a cure.
6. Is laser hair removal safe for hirsutism?
A. Yes, especially when combined with natural post-laser recovery creams to soothe the skin.

7. What foods should be avoided for hirsutism?
A. Following a nutritional guide that focuses on whole, nutrient-rich foods can help manage the condition.

8. How to reduce androgens in females naturally at home?
A. Natural supplements that reduce androgen levels, alongside a healthy diet and regular exercise, might assist under professional guidance.

Empowering yourself with knowledge and taking proactive steps towards natural treatments, medical care, and lifestyle changes can make a significant difference in managing hirsutism. Whether you're seeking prevention or remedy, these strategies offer a path to comfort and confidence.
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